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+1 623-594-4915    jazperrtech@gmail.com

Renata Krumer’s introduction to ACN turned out to be an incredible birthday present.

That day - Renata’s birthday, March 31, in 2012 - Boris Glickstein said he knew his wife’s life was about to be changed.

“I knew she had found her passion, looking into her eyes right after seeing the ACN presentation for the very first time,” Boris says.

Renata and Boris found success in their pre-ACN lives. After immigrating from Russia, Renata held a top managerial position in hospitality. Boris made a name for himself in the auto industry’s corporate world.

In 2012, however, things changed. The duo helped Renata’s mother through the final stages of illness, while putting three children through college, and found themselves in a financial struggle.

With a servant’s mindset, the couple turned to ACN - their first network marketing company - to help alleviate some of the financial stress and found what they needed through ACN.

“I decided not to be a vulnerable leaf on the tree, with a short insignificant life, where seasons and weather control and dictate my destiny,” Renata says. “I chose to be a strong-rooted tree that can withstand any wind, any storm, and be a force for significance and goodness.”

Why ACN? Why now?

Don’t waste another day allowing someone else to set your self worth!

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Work Freedom

Set your hours from home or your favorite coffee shop.

Set Your Schedule

YOU get to choose - full- or part-time, or something in between.

Earning Potential

How hard are you willing to work at it?

Essential Services

Your customers already pay for them. Make that work for you.

Low Risk, Low Cost

There’s no costly overhead to eat into your profits

Known Quantity

ACN’s model for business is successful and supportive.

RVPs and SVPs (including Circle of Champions members) earn annual income achieved by fewer than 1% of ACN IBOs. Their success stories and earnings are extraordinary and not typical. Earnings as an ACN IBO are based solely upon the successful sale of products to customers and their usage of those products. Individuals will incur expenses in operating their ACN business, such as the sign-up fee and renewal fee, as well as other possible operating expenses. As with any business, earnings and success at ACN are not guaranteed but depend primarily on the individual’s commitment, persistence and effort. Individuals may not earn income and may lose money as an IBO.